Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Role of a Home Inspector

The Role of a Home Inspector, Before you close on a home, a home inspector will conduct a review of the property to ensure safety, let you know what needs to be repaired or what will need to be replaced in the near future, and more. A home inspector is hired by the buyer, and examines the house thoroughly for non-functioning systems, damages and repairs that may be needed. A thorough inspection covers various items, and typically takes a few hours depending on the size of your home. What do home inspectors look for? Here are the most common things a home inspector will check during the home inspection process: • Foundation and structure • General construction overall • Plumbing • Electrical • Heating and cooling • Roof • Windows and doors • Kitchen and bathroom • Appliances Be sure to turn on utilities in a vacant home. • Interior walls and ceiling • Air conditioning • Basement • Ventilation and drainage • Gutters and leaders • Garages and carports • Pa

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