Sunday, November 18, 2012

Long Island Roof Inspection

Several situations precipitate the need for a roof inspection by a professionally licensed New York State Home Inspection Company. All too often, performance of the roof is taken for granted and forgotten about until it starts to fail. But if you are not evaluating your roof at least once a year, you risk prematurely devaluing one of your biggest assets. Ask us to perform a roof evaluation if you:
  • Suspect or confirm leaks
  • Need hard numbers to plan for future roof repairs or replacement
  • Want a third party opinion of roof condition
  • Need to keep in compliance with an existing warranty
  • Want to start a preventative maintenance program
Roof inspections should only be carried out by a licensed professional equipped with a thermal imaging camera . A leak is usually a sign of multiple problems that have existed for a long time time so early detection can save a significant  amount of time and money.
The 95- Point Roof Inspection takes industry standards to a new level. We incorporate all facets of every recommended program and take special consideration for the climate and geographical challenges particular to our customers here in New York. Extreme heat and cold present unique challenges that our roofs need to withstand.
Here is the outline of our comprehensive roof inspection:
1. Exterior Walls
2. Interior Walls
3. Expansion/Contraction
4. Settlement Cracks
5. Deterioration
6. Moisture Stains
7. Physical Damage
8. interior Roof Deck
9. Exterior Roof Deck
10. Securement to Supports
11. Expansion/Contraction
12. Structural Deterioration
13. Water Stains
14. Physical Damage
15. Attachment of Felts/Ins.

  1. General Appearance
  2. Debris
  3. Drainage
  4. Physical Damage
  5. General Condition
  6. New Equipment/Alter.
  7. Surface Condition
  8. Bare Spots in Gravel
  9. Coating Degradation
  10. Cracking of Asphalt
  11. Slippage
  12. Membrane Condition
  13. Blistering
  14. Splitting
  15. Ridging
  16. Fish mouthing
  17. Loose Laps
  18. Punctures
  19. Securement of Substrate
  20. Fasteners

  1. Base Flashing
  2. Punctures
  3. Deterioration
  4. Blistering
  5. Open Laps
  6. Attachment
  7. Ridging or Wrinkling
  8. Counter flashing
  9. Open Laps
  10. Punctures
  11. Attachment
  12. Rusting
  13. Fasteners
  14. Caulking
  15. Coping
  16. Open Laps
  17. Punctures
  18. Attachment
  19. Rusting
  20. Drainage
  21. Fasteners
  22. Caulking
  23. Wall Separation
  24. Mortar Joints
  25. Spalling
  26. Movement Cracks

  1. General Appearance
  2. Splitting
  3. Securement
  4. Rusting
  5. Felt Deterioration
  6. Fasteners
  7. Punctures

  1. Equipment Base Flashing
  2. Open Laps
  3. Punctures
  4. Attachment
  5. Equipment & Housing
  6. Counter flashing
  7. Open Seams
  8. Physical Damage
  9. Caulking
  10. Drainage
  11. Equipment Operation
  12. Discharge of Oil
  13. Excessive Traffic Wear
  14. Roof Jackets/Vents
  15. Attachment
  16. Physical Damage
  17. Vents Operable

  1. General Appearance
  2. Open Joints
  3. Punctures/Splits
  4. Securement
  5. Rusting
  6. Fasteners

  1. General Appearance
  2. Fill Material
  3. Attachment
For More Information Visit or call 516-350-9200

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